Five things we’ve learnt during lockdown…
1. Websites
Chris has been busy working on the website and as most of you will appreciate, that’s a steep learning curve. Check it out here – we’d love to hear your thoughts. We now have a shop online! How exciting! Michaela is also doing a brilliant course with the Design Trust – an accountable group learning more about the business side of things. We have a few plans – to add on vouchers, a photo of us, some better product descriptions… watch this space!
2. Zoom
We’ve learnt so much about zoom! We’ve been doing kids pottery classes over the spring, taking a break now for the summer – and Chris has started some poetry classes with the lovely Blairmore Gallery. If you’d like to know more about the next class (poetry appreciation) let us know – or to book in for a six week course on writing your own poetry. Zoom is the place to be!

3. Sculpture
Michaela is thrilled to have received funding from Craft Scotland to do a sculpture course. This has been postponed, obviously, but will hopefully still run at some point at the beautiful Caol Rudh Sculpture Park. Meanwhile, practice, practice… Here’s a finished piece that was submitted to Tighnabruaich Gallery for their online Secret Regatta exhibition – check it out as it finishes this week. Our pieces will also be showing in the gallery when they reopen mid-July. And there’s also a picture of a new sculpture, made yesterday and drying nicely ready for firing soon…
4. We need you
We kind of knew that already really – but Michaela has missed seeing your own creativity – taking other people’s pieces out of the kiln, sharing the joy of creating and learning. So, we’ve hatched a plan. It involves tins and cardboard packaging… To know more, sign up to our newsletter.
5. Don’t panic
We had to learn this quickly. Trust that all will be well. We’ve been so thankful for support from the government, from Creative Scotland – and from you – every like, share and purchase has kept us going. We are very grateful. We decided that being grateful and sharing what we have was a better way forward. So we signed up to the #artistspledge. Every sale we make using this hashtag up to £1000 means we then commit to buying another artist’s work for £200. Every sale we make this week from our website, or on vouchers, will go towards that fund.
Meanwhile, we’ll keep learning and growing and sharing with you as we go.
Thanks for your company!