hello & welcome

Seatree is an on-going experiment in living creatively and simply.

We are based on the beautiful Cowal peninsula, on the west coast of Scotland.

We make ceramic art, using our own original poetry – you can choose from a selection of our work by clicking the button below…

‘put down those things you carry –  sit with me a while.’

what we can do for you

you should also know…

Alongside making our art, we grow as much food as we can, keep chickens and we are planting a food forest within an area of ancient woodland. We are trying hard to be good stewards of the beautiful place we are living and to share it with others as much as we can.

Our garden is part of the quiet garden movement, meaning it is open for others to use as a quiet space for meditation and stillness.

Inspiration for what we make is never far away – we are blessed with wild seascapes, mountains, forests and beautiful empty beaches. For us, art is essentially a process of engagement with spirituality (by which we mean the undefinable beautiful beyond) and this area has a rich heritage left by others making their own spiritual journeys.

‘the sun can only be seen in the light of the sun and everything else is just reflection’
© Copyright 2024 - SeaTree Argyll . All text and images on this site are copyrighted and must not be used without a written agreement endorsed by individual authors and/or photographers. Any unauthorised use of this material is a copyright infringement. If you wish to use or license any of it, please contact us. Website design: Cedarbank Design