This week marked the first dive into the use of AI for seatree argyll. Emily discovered a wonderful app (is it an app?) that you can use to stage photographs – not just the ones where you pick a setting and struggle to ,make your picture fit in, but one where you describe what you would like – a sandy, rocky beach on a stormy day, or coffee and candlelight in soft colours.. whatever works for your object! The end result is so natural and even has shadows and reflections – it’s truly amazing! It means of course that you can’t be sure when you see anything, or anyone, that they are where they say they are – she set up a picture of baby Robert playing the bodhran at a rock concert!  Is it cheating? We don’t think so – it just a useful tool for showing off our work. I think the website looks so much more professional than it did and I am very grateful to Emily, Chris and James for all their efforts this last two weeks in making it happen!